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Registration FAQ's

How do I pay?


  • Make payment to Davis AquaMonsters

  • Mail Payment: Davis AquaMonsters | PO Box 788 | Davis, CA 95617-0788

Why didn’t I get my email confirmation?


There are a number of reasons why messages may not arrive in your inbox. Messages can skip your inbox and end up in your Spam, Trash, or other folder as the result of automatic spam filtering or filters that you’ve set up to manage your messages. 


Be sure that you add our club email addresses to your address book and/or safelist. This helps keep mail out of your SPAM folder.

How much is the annual registration fee?


The annual registration fee covers from March to January and is $50. From August to January the fee is prorated to $35. If you paid in March, you do not need to pay again in the fall or winter. Little Monsters does not have a reg fee.

Do I pay the annual fee if my child will NOT do swim meets?


While the AQM has swimmers who practice with the AQM for reasons other than competition, the reg fee applies to anyone who swims with us. Please contact Koren or me if you have specific questions.

If I am a Get Fit SPORT swimmer, what is the $20/month non-member fee?


If you are not a member at SPORT, the club charges a $20 per month per swimmer fee. AQM collects this fee with session dues and then submits directly to SPORT.

My username/password is not working!


A separate username/password is required for each swimmer. Club Assistant automatically adds a number after your email address for each additional swimmer you sign up. After you log in to Club Assistant, you can change your username/password combinations.


If you are having problems with login, our registrar can resend your password and user name.  If you don’t receive the email, check your junk mail box to see if it landed there.

What is the third swimmer discount?


If you have more than two swimmers swimming with the Davis Aquamonsters, the 3rd swimmer (and any after that) pays half of the lowest swim fee. All swimmers need to pay the annual registration fee. Third swimmer discount does not apply to Little Monsters.

We are gone for 2 weeks this sesssion, can I prorate?


We don’t prorate because we have to pay the same for the pool space and for the coaches whether you attend every day or only for part of the session.

How can I check my invoice balance?


Login to our team management website to access your account information.



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