Practice Groups
Every Monster Matters and Talent is Created, Not Born!
If your child starts swimming in the White Group, that will not prohibit your child from becoming a Black Group swimmer one day. Instead, it will give the swimmer and coach the opportunity to teach and develop the skills necessary for your child to really flourish in our sport. Practice in an important component.
Our goal is to meet each swimmer where they are and help them improve. This is best done with: 1) adequate space, 2) teammates of similar experience, and 3) an enviroment where the swimmer feels comfortable with the given practices.
If you have questions regarding group assignments, please contact: Koren Motekaitis to answer your questions.

Practice Schedule
The Davis Aquamonsters offer a number of training sessions that fit the schedule and needs of your swimmer. Click on the button below to see the current AQM practice schedule.
First, pick the training location that suites your needs. As swimmers advance there are fewer choices in terms of times and locations. When starting out with the team there are many choices that can work with your family's schedule.
Your child's age on THE FIRST DAY OF THE SESSION is how we determine group placement. For instance you child is 8 on the first day of Fall Session but turns 9 a couple days later. Sign your child up for the BIG MONSTERS session! There are great benefits to staying in our Big Monsters group - better swimmer:coach ratio, more teaching and skill development focused, more age appropriate fun.
White Group: (8 - 14 year olds) This is for swimmers looking to develop their swimming skills and improve on fitness with age appropriate fun. Swimmers in this group can be seasonal swimmers or those who like to practice year round. Former 7 & Under who have turned 8 start in this group.
Red Group: (9 - 14 year olds) This is a training group for swimmers who swim on a year round basis and are preparing for the competitive season. The focus of this group is on stroke technique, interval training, and race development. Red Group placement is by director approval. Swimmers currently in RED group remain in this group.
Black Group: This is a training group with emphasis on stroke technique, interval training and race development at a more intense level than RED group. The coach will determine the training gear needed for each swimmer in this group. Black group placement is by director approval.
Swimmers are required to have their own specific training gear (fins, paddles, goggles, suits, caps, etc.). Coaches will provide info on when and what to purchase.
Red strokemaker paddles. (I have these for purchase)
Long fins (swimmers must use the brand we are currently using. They last long are good on wear and tear, I like their flexibility and they are relatively inexpensive. Your child should know the color of their fin.
PDF Fins
Front Snorkel
Mesh equipment bag (much better way to carry around all the equipment)
High School Group: This group is for our swimmers who swam in high school. Again there is the focus on stroke technique with an increase of training needs for this age group along with proper race preperation for each swimmer. As with many of our groups we have multi-sport athletes so training may be tailored to help in those areas. Swimmers will be required to have their own specific training gear - fins, etc. The coach will determine the training gear needed for each swimmer.